Monday, June 11, 2007


This is a topic most men would not address, and I am not going to try and define or categorize women in a concept because that is not possible, I will only speak on my experience with women. It is a concept every single man is affected by and struggles to understand. I felt like sharing this insight after witnessing the birth of my son, and the amount of work a woman has to put in to carry, birth and raise a child.

I come from a woman so my first experience is my mother, and as a child my immediate experience to the world came from and was defined by a woman. Every single human being understands the connection (or lack thereof) to his/her mother. Did you know that once a child is born it receives its emotional input and development from its mother? Once there is skin to skin contact (stronger when breastfeeding) the mother and child’s heartbeats synchronize. The mother’s heart’s electromagnetic field (the aura as it is known to “mystics”) synchronizes with the electromagnetic field of the child’s heart…from here the child’s heart communicates with its brain and directly influences the development of the brain (old mammalian/emotional-cognitive/limbic brain).

The infant does not have the capacity to interpret its physical reality; therefore the development of the child’s emotional-cognitive brain depends on the emotions of the mother. Lack thereof explains why so many human beings are emotionally retarded. A child is also born with a brain imprint as to what the mother looks like, and spends 80% of its time staring at its mother’s face when it is feeding. Its visual input relates to the mother, the mother’s face serving as a visual “map” to the rest of its visual input to which it spends 20% of the time registering. Our emotions, our senses, and our ability to interpret our reality stem from a woman.

My mother has always been one of the strongest women I have known in my entire life. She had me when she was 17, and had four more children…she practically raised all five of us on her own. I grew up watching the injustices my mother had to grow through at the hands of my father and my stepfather, and in my mind I could not conceive as to why my mother had to suffer like this, thus causing suffering in her children being that we still somehow remain emotionally dependent on our mothers. To see my mother overcome her life situations, and still provide for her children (as hard as it may have been) always gave me the drive I have had my whole life to make my life into what I wanted to make it. Her mannerisms, her way of relating to every single person around her, the amount of love she exuded, her temperament, her advice…my way of seeing people and my social life stems from a woman.

Next in the rung of the ladder of my perception of womanhood would be my sisters, my grandmothers, my aunts, my cousins, my teachers, my lovers, my friends, my co-workers, now my daughter and every woman that has crossed my life that has had an impact on me. All of these categories within what women are to me have different levels of priority, provide different experiences and lessons. Each label for these women comes with a way of interacting, responsibilities, and energy input…each with reciprocation. This is true for every man, and it is impossible to deny the importance and power of a woman.

Why do we depreciate the value of a woman? Is it because women depreciate themselves? Is it a mirror effect? Humans are afraid of the power of the woman. Men and Women must categorize, manipulate, and violate each other to keep another person from learning the truth about ourselves, mainly because we ourselves are afraid to learn the truth about ourselves…what is this truth? That we all affect each other, and that we are all connected. We define this connection as “love”. There is family love, friendly love, being “in-love”, being “out of love”, and so many categories for what implies a CONNECTION. Each category with its set of standards and rules and expected behaviors…and the moment we do not abide by these standards, we risk “losing” that “relation-ship”. “HOW SCARY!” Why must we put love in a box?

What creates difficulty with interaction between men and women? SEX! It has really boggled my mind to try and understand this concept….sex. What we think and know about sex most of the time conflict. We associate sex with being “dirty”, we feel that sex is “bad”, it’s an escape, it is testing boundaries, limits, it is a goal, it is victory, it is a release, it is a punishment, it is a secret, it is a lie, it is a “sin”, so many labels to this basic human interaction, an interaction we all came from.

Where do our understandings of sex come from? Church, School, Parents, basically “society”. But not once do we stop ourselves to examine our subconscious efforts concerning sex. Why do we think and behave the way we do regarding sex? And how does this affect our daily lives? As sexual beings with sexual drives we cannot deny this interaction, we try to push it deep deep into our being, and hide from it. When we do it it comes out sideways, most of the time we don’t know what we’re doing, we don’t entertain the fact that it is the most intimate experiences to have, we judge it, we box it, we deny others the ability to understand it, we make fun of people who find it in the same “gender”, and we speak of it as if it were just the act of putting a penis inside a vagina.

This entire miscommunication between our feelings, our mind, our ego, our sexuality; other people’s feelings, mind, ego, and sexuality; between the definitions, categories and labels; between the established rules and guidelines of societal institutions, aaaalllll of this miscommunication tends to lead people into the madness we all live in, it is a perverted society because we deny ourselves what we really are…sexual beings.

To understand women I had to come to the realization that I had to understand myself. How can this be possible if I am a man? First and foremost you can’t understand anything if you do not understand yourself. Second: does a vagina define femininity, or does our spiritual awareness define it? I had to realize that there is a feminine aspect to every man as there is a masculine aspect to every woman. That I have take pride in my femininity, and it is hard for a man to stand up and admit that, it is hard for men to be feminists, to really dig deep and find out what we truly are. Then and only then can we understand our connection to the women around us: without judgment, without labels.

Taking these thoughts into consideration, I began to realize that one of the solutions to creating a better world is in our understanding of sex, and being that women are the doorkeepers to this concept (unless you’re a rapist) our true understanding of womanhood as men lies in our understanding of ourselves, and our understanding of "relation-ships", intimacy and sex. For an emotionally balanced world will propagate itself into our newly born children by default.

Women: remember to always take pride in yourselves, realize your true power and potential, do not define yourself by the men around you for you hold the power in creating a better world.

Peace and Blessings to all…Sat Nam.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a very insightful post bro. i definitely agree with you and you're right, maybe the world is afraid of a woman's power...