Thursday, December 22, 2011

On the Times...

In such a busy world, sometimes for most of us it’s a good escape to just sit down and chill, and watch TV. For the most part, primetime television is made up mostly of news, and funny enough all the channels reporting on the same topics, most of which really have nothing to do with us personally, however, have twists and turns that allow the mind to solely focus on what it is being told at the time. Most news will not report on the really important issues that affect us, or our communities in our day-to-day living.

If we read between the lines, and pay attention there is a lot happening on the global field in regards to economy, power, control and manipulation by persons who hold power over most components of society. As if there were a mass attempt in keeping the world right where it needs to be for these groups and individuals to continue to benefit.

Equipped with such knowledge, People are organizing themselves on mass levels worldwide, mostly crying out for a fairer and better world, regardless of which path they choose to do it from. Repression is also organizing itself, billions of dollars spent, and thousands upon thousands have been arrested worldwide. In the US alone, over 5,200 people have been arrested for standing up to these beliefs, and again the media as a tool assures the public that we continue to live in a society where people have the ability to practice their human rights and freedoms.

As of now our rights are benefits, privileges that can be taken away if it is felt that it does not correspond or subscribe to the currently proposed way of life. Human Rights are not privileges, they extend beyond the realm of law and privilege, they are a given, regardless of the circumstances. These rights are based on the love of self and others: freedom to say what you want, to organize how you want, to print what you want, vote for who you want, petition, and to be tried by a jury of your peers (among others).

This is sovereignty, this is democracy, yet it is justified to take the lives of thousands of others to spread this mentality and sentiment (In Iraq almost 114,000 people); and these aren’t just men in uniform, we are talking babies, children, women, old people, disabled people, people with strong potentials, with hopes dreams and the right to pursue those dreams just like the rest of us.

Is our world in the place, or is it ready to propagate a more positive/constructive mentality by means of love and peace? Have we not done it before? This is something that I appreciate from the Occupy Wall Street movement, that for the most part its foundation is that of peace, of assisting one another, of creating a voice, in the name of love for another.

It does not apply to you unless it happens to you. We can’t group such movement under one name, because it has a limitless face; anyone can claim that place, it is fluid and constantly changing. There are those who opposed such organization who criticized it, then found themselves being laid off from their jobs, while their CEO’s got pay raises. On the flipside, there are pro-peace members who were not treated in such manners (baton over the head, pepper spray, beatings, arrests) who after undergoing such hardship can find it easy to resign a peaceful belief system to that of a violent one.

As of lately it has been a very strategically placed within our media the concept of Fear, if it isn’t China or Russia’s attempts at being the region in the world with the most power, or Fear of terrorists organizations or persons, or Fear of world disasters, on top of distractions of events occurring in the lives of celebrities, taking away story by story our sense of comfort, of strength, will power, and continuously keep us involved in the lives of others.

In the end it comes down to resigning the void of Fear and filling that void with Love, without minding the cheesiness of such statement, we can all resign to a place in our minds and hearts that know such place, agree with such words. This applies to both extremes, Love for the Less Fortunate, and Love for the Most Fortunate. This creates compassion, understanding and allows us the time and space to actually act in a manner that allows us to evolve to these higher levels of living. What practices can we incorporate individually and collectively to shun such a mentality?

Fear being the tool…is it possible that those who are propagating such mentality are beyond filled with such sentiment, so much that they have to make sure most of the rest of the world lives in such way?

A lot of the world has been subjected to such horrible conditions throughout history at the hands of people with power with the desire to maintain and expand that power and push away such Fear. It’s easy to forget that such events have happened in world history. Millions upon millions of lives have been lost to war, greed, ignorance. We read about it or hear about it in certain conversations, but its very difficult to imagine what that really means.

If I were to measure the progress society and humanity has made it would be in the amount of people on a global level who have had the means, access to information, and increased probability in self-actualizing, if realizing their true potential within themselves and their group societies. It is considered to be idealistic or utopian for people to believe that everywhere in our world there is the strong possibility for society to structure itself in that way, and also find its respective place in world society. Our actual international governing system is based on these principles.

Human Voice is growing and Human Repression is growing, there is enough pressure right now for the whole thing to blow. Do our intentions, beliefs, and sentiments actually affect this push and pull? Can we as individuals with love our intention, belief and sentiment actually tip this scale in creating a peaceful world?

Here’s an exercise: when you have the chance, send some love to those in power, maybe it can eradicate their sense of fear, clear their minds, allow them to see that the decisions they make affect the lives of millions of others. While it is much easier said than done, people in power are just that PEOPLE in power; they also have to incorporate their intentions, beliefs and sentiments into their decision making abilities and their day to day lives, and everybody knows the feeling of being supported and nurtured in their growth, just because you are in power doesn’t mean you don’t need support or nurturing, means you need it more than anyone else.

The times are changing; most are placing weight behind 2012, being a year marked by many civilizations through time to be a year of change for the world. Which change is it going to be? Let’s add each other into our resolutions for the New Year, let’s add our sense of love for self with the understanding that the other is self, and let’s take on this New Year on to the next level as prophesized.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spoken like a truly free soul.